What is the Wisdom tooth Extraction and How is it performed?

wisdom teeth removal Round Rock

A wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical treatment performed by a dentist specialist to remove one or more of your wisdom teeth. Most of the dental patients are terrified when it comes to wisdom teeth. Either because they've watched horrible YouTube movies or because they've had one of their best friends had a bad experience. Wisdom teeth can cause lots of pain and infections if they are left untreated. Often, patients require a long course of antibiotics and they will not be able to chew or eat properly. Some patients have to take time off from work because of the infections and very rarely they can also be hospitalized because of that. Difficulty to clean wisdom teeth every day can cause bad smell and bad breath, requiring often a long course of antibiotics and painkillers. If you have experienced pain or even worse infections from your wisdom teeth, I will recommend you to come and see your Dentist in Round Rock as soon as possible. If wisdom teeth are left untreated, they can end up damaging the tooth next to it and ultimately you will lose two back molars. An assessment of a wisdom tooth, it's a quick procedure that is done at your dentist on your dental chair and you will receive a diagnosis and a proper treatment plan.

Before the procedure starts, they will ensure you are fully numb and you won't feel anything. Most wisdom teeth are removed within a couple of minutes. More difficult ones can take up to twenty, thirty minutes. If your wisdom tooth is impacting the jawbone, They might have to lift the gum away, section the tooth in pieces and stitch the gum back together. You won't feel anything about it. Generally speaking, upper wisdom teeth are easier to remove than lower wisdom teeth. The operation is relatively quick and painless. You are fully numb therefore there will be no perceptions of pain. Although there might be perceptions of actions happening in your mouth. You will be able to stop me anytime just raising your hand at any stage. After the operation, they recommend their patients one or two days of rest which will help the formation of a nice blood clot which will prevent infections after that. Everyone responds to surgery differently. Some people might experience a bit of discomfort for few days and require painkillers, some people might experience a bit of bruising or swelling outside of the face which will resolve within a week or a maximum of two weeks. If left untreated, wisdom teeth can cause serious consequences to your teeth and your health.

 You will leave the surgery with post instructions information written on a leaflet, you will have pain relief advice, an emergency number in case you need it. Every wisdom tooth is different like every individual is different. On their assessment, dentists will discuss your specific circumstances. If your wisdom teeth require additional imaging and if any alternative techniques can be used in your case to minimize the risks. Generally speaking, serious risk is very low in wisdom teeth operations. The majority are minor complications or consequences that will follow any surgical procedure. After a wisdom tooth extraction, they recommend their patients one or two days of rest. For the first three days, you might experience some soreness, some bruising, some swelling requiring painkillers. After three days you will feel much better and you'll be able to chew and function properly again. 

Generally, within a week or a maximum of two weeks, your mouth will feel back to normal again. By that time, you have forgotten about your wisdom tooth extraction. You will have no more pain and infections and you'll be able to function with your mouth properly as you wish.


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